120+ reviews

Implant Dentistry
in Fox Point

Permanently Replace Teeth with $1295 Implants

 If you are missing one or more of your teeth, implants may be the best option to restore and improve your smile permanently. With our implant special, you can restore the function and aesthetics of your smile. Plus, your entire treatment will be taken care of under one roof thanks to our skilled experts.

Expert Care

Dental Implants at Fox Point Dental Studio

Before dental implants, patients who suffered from tooth loss only had the option to replace missing teeth with dentures or a bridge. With dental implants, a patient can completely restore the function and aesthetics of their smile with a natural-looking prosthetic that will last a lifetime. An implant acts as an artificial tooth root, supports a beautiful restoration, and minimizes common issues associated with tooth loss.

Treatment Under One Roof

Our dentists are highly trained and skilled to handle your entire implant procedure.

Long-Lasting Results

Our dental implants are made with high-quality materials and with proper care, they will last a lifetime.

Natural Look & Feel

Since dental implants mimic your natural tooth root, they will look and feel completely natural.

David A.


"Dr. Charmoli demonstrates the highest caliber of professionalism and empathy for his patients, definitely had bad experiences with many dentists out there but I put my full trust in Dr. Charmoli!"

David A.


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Suffering from Tooth Loss?

See our implant Special


Single Tooth Restorations

If you are missing a single tooth, one of our dentists will surgically insert a small, titanium post into your gums and jaw. Once the site heals, this post will act as an artificial tooth root. The placement of this post ensures that your teeth don’t shift and that you don’t suffer from bone loss, which are two common side effects of untreated missing teeth. A porcelain dental crown will then be attached directly to the implant to imitate the appearance of a natural tooth. With a single tooth implant and a beautiful crown, you’ll smile, eat, and speak with confidence.

Full Arch Dental Implants

Full arch restorations are used to treat the upper, lower, or both arches of teeth. Whether your teeth are missing due to an injury or gum disease, full arch dental implants are a permanent, natural-looking way to restore your smile. Full arch restorations involve the placement of 4-6 dental implants that are used to support a set of permanent replacement teeth and provide a secure hold, natural appearance, and increased comfort.

Unique Benefits of Dental Implants

When compared to other restorations like dentures and bridges, dental implants offer certain advantages that should not be overlooked when deciding on a replacement option for missing teeth:

  • Implants feel natural because they imitate the structure of a natural tooth root and your false tooth will be completely secure while you eat, chew, smile, and speak.
  • Bone and gum resorption is a common issue for patients with missing teeth, but implants can strengthen jaw and gum tissue to remedy this problem.
  • With proper care, implants can last a lifetime, which means that this may be a more cost-effective option in the long run.
  • No special care is needed once your implants are placed and healed. Simply brush and floss normally, and come in for regular preventive checkups.

The Placement Process

While each implant case is unique, the placement process involves the same basic steps:

  • One of our dentists will create a small incision in your gums at a precise location where your implant will be placed.
  • The implant (a small, titanium post) will be strategically placed where the incision was made, and your gums will be sutured shut.
  • You will be given instructions to follow to ensure that your implant heals and osseointegrates properly.
  • It typically takes about 3-6 months to heal after implant surgery, and once the small post bonds permanently with your jawbone and gums, you will come in for your restoration appointment.

The Restoration Process

Once you are completely recovered after your implant placement surgery, the restoration process will begin. One of our dentists will work closely with an outside lab to create a custom dental prosthetic that looks and feels completely natural. We will take images and scans of your entire mouth to help us manufacture beautiful replacement teeth that will look seamless when you smile and allow you to chew and speak without any difficulty. Once your restoration is created, one of our dentists will ensure that it fits perfectly and permanently attach it to your implant.

Dental Implant Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for dental implants?

Typically, the best candidates for dental implant surgery have adequate jaw bone and gum tissue, and are free of dental health issues like periodontal disease. Non-smokers are preferred, since smoking can greatly decrease the success of implant surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Krenzke will assess your smile to determine whether implant surgery is a good option for you.

How long will the treatment take?

Each dental implant case is unique, and the timing of your procedure depends on many different factors. The location and number of your missing teeth and your level of dental health will all play a part in the length of your treatment. Schedule a consultation to learn more.

How much do dental implants cost?

The cost of your dental implant treatment will depend on where in your mouth the implant(s) will be placed, your level of dental health, and how many implants will be placed. Overall cost of treatment also depends on whether you will need preparatory before surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Krenzke will assess your teeth and gums to give you a more accurate estimate. We have resources for patients to help bring the cost of treatment within your budget, including an implant special and financing options.