120+ reviews

Veneers in Fox Point

Revamp Your Smile With Veneers

If you are looking for a versatile, durable cosmetic treatment, veneers may be the right choice for you. At Fox Point Dental Studio, you can improve your smile in as little as two appointments. Our veneers are:


Get Veneers From Fox Point Dental Studio

Veneers are a versatile cosmetic treatment that can address chips, gaps, misshapen teeth, slightly crooked teeth, staining, and discoloration. They are small, tooth-shaped dental prostheses that are designed to cover the front chewing surface of your teeth to improve the aesthetics of your smile.

No Special Care

After you receive your veneers, they will look and feel just like natural teeth. You will be able to brush and floss as usual. Simply continue to come in for regular cleanings and exams to keep your smile healthy.


Our veneers are made out of durable porcelain that is stain resistant so you can eat and drink your what you like without worrying about discoloring your new smile.

Convenient Treatment

The entire treatment process requires only two appointments over the course of a few weeks, so you will be able to improve your smile quickly and get back to smiling with newfound confidence.

David A.


"Dr. Charmoli demonstrates the highest caliber of professionalism and empathy for his patients, definitely had bad experiences with many dentists out there but I put my full trust in Dr. Charmoli!"

David A.


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The Veneers Placement Process

The process of getting veneers placed is simple and straightforward. During your first appointment, Dr. Krenzke will clean and numb your mouth to prepare you for treatment. A thin layer of enamel will be removed from the surface of your teeth to make room for the veneers and ensure a perfect, seamless fit. Impressions of your teeth will be made and sent to a dental lab where your prostheses will be made.

Are Veneers Permanent?

By caring for your veneers as you would your natural teeth, they can easily last 15 years or more. At Fox Point Dental Studio, we use high-quality materials and modern technology to make sure your veneers are sturdy and durable. To prolong the lifespan of your veneers it is important to avoid chewing non-food items like pens and fingernails. You should also refrain from biting extremely hard food such as nuts and ice with your veneers. Instead, bite these foods with your rear molars to prevent any potential damage. If you grind your teeth or play contact sports, it is important to get a mouthguard or nightguard to protect your new smile.

Veneers Frequently Asked Questions

How Much do Veneers Cost?

The cost of treatment will vary from patient to patient based on how many veneers will be needed and the issues that will be addressed during treatment. To get an accurate estimate of cost, it is best to schedule a comprehensive exam with one of our doctors. During your comprehensive exam, we will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that accommodates dental goals. 

Am I a good candidate for Veneers?

Because veneers are not a restorative treatment, your teeth will need to be in good dental health before you receive your veneers. If your teeth are damaged or decayed, you will need to come in for restorative treatments to ensure your teeth are strong enough and healthy enough for a cosmetic treatment. If you are in Fox Point and interested in veneers, come in for a consultation and one of our doctors will determine if you are a good candidate for veneers! To schedule your appointment, give us a call at 414-236-5885 or stop by our office at 333A Brown Deer Road Fox Point WI 53217.